Pinout das máquinas Canon (2.5mm):
ponta - obturador - shutter
anel - focus
malha - ground
Ao fechar o circuito entre ponta e malha é disparado o obturador e é capturada uma ou várias fotografias.
Ao fechar o circuito anel e malha a máquina faz a focagem (caso tenha AF autofocus)
Para efetuar capturas em Time-Lapse é possível utilizar um microcontrolador, neste caso um arduino nano, e algumas ligações para permitir o disparo automático num ritmo interessante.
Algumas informações sobre os intervalos de captura [1].
Esquema de Ligações
Código para arduino
/***********************************************************T I M E - L A P S E
by Mário Pinto @ 2017.03.24
Code will autofocus once when it startups and then will release shutter
after the number of seconds specified in DELAY.
SHUTTER and FOCUS will define pins used for each of these camera functions.
LED will define the pin to have a status led blinking.
blink code:
» startup: 4 quick blinks to autofocus
» runtime: 1 blink each SHUTTER released
» Choose an interval that allows time for the camera to store the file
before next capture, this way will ensure no frames are dropped.
» It's advised to focus the lens before the captures start and set the
lens to MF (manual focus) so it will always take the photos (regardless
of focusing).
» More great tips from Ryan at
1 second
Moving traffic
Fast moving clouds
1- 3 seconds
Slower moving clouds
Moon and sun near horizon (or telephoto)
Things photographed with a telephoto[/one_fourth]
15 – 30 seconds
Moving shadows
Sun across sky (no clouds) (wide)
Stars (15 – 60 seconds)
Fast growing plants (ex vines) (90 – 120 seconds)
Construction projects (5min – 15min)[/one_fourth_last]
int DELAY = 2; // Intervalo entre capturas
int SHUTTER = 3; // Pin para SHUTTER
int FOCUS = 2; // Pin para FOCUS
int LED = 13; // Pin para LED
// blink(LED)
void blink(int pin){ // Piscar o LED 50ms
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // Ligar LED
digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // Desligar LED
// focus(FOCUS)
void focus(int pin){ // Focar durante algum tempo
int n=3;
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
while(n-- > 0){
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
void setup(){
pinMode(SHUTTER, OUTPUT); // Definir o pin do SHUTTER como output
digitalWrite(SHUTTER, HIGH);
pinMode(FOCUS, OUTPUT); // Definir o pin do FOCUS como output
digitalWrite(FOCUS, HIGH);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // Definir o pin do LED como output
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
focus(FOCUS); // Focar
void loop(){
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Ligar LED
digitalWrite(SHUTTER, LOW); // Ativar SHUTTER
delay(100); // Esperar um pouco para libertar
digitalWrite(SHUTTER, HIGH); // Desativar SHUTTER
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // Deligar LED
delay(1000 * DELAY); // Esperar
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